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First Plottery Winners Announced!

First Plottery Winners Announced!

We have the first group of winners of the BURN2 Plot Lottery! These individuals’ names were drawn and they had also completed the basic information sessoin beforehand. Without further ado, the names are as follows: Xiija Resident polkamatic feller cammi hudson...
Souk Day Friday 22nd of August!

Souk Day Friday 22nd of August!

Extra-special, all-inclusive event! Get a taste of a BURN2 bazaar. Try your skills in bartering! Trade not only things, but songs and stories, rhythms and rhymes. Wash feet for textures, write a script for a beautifully jeweled prim. Your creativity is the limit! COME...

Open House on the Virtual Playa

OPEN PLAYA on the BURN2 PLAYA SUNDAY 3 August 2014 2:00pm SLT Join us Sunday for Open Playa and Plot Party! We are gearing up for the annual BURN2 event coming in October and the theme is Caravansary. The plot sale is open now , and we are taking applications for the...
BURN2 Caravansary: October 18-26, 2014

BURN2 Caravansary: October 18-26, 2014

From 2014-07-19 This year, we will create a caravansary that occupies the crossroads of a dreamland: a bazaar of the bizarre, wherein treasures of every sort, from every land and age, flow in and out to be flaunted, lost, exploited and discovered. This is not a...

BURN2, 2013, Artist Build Descriptions

Posted on 2013-10-15 BURN2 Artist Build Descriptions  The following descriptions were provided by the respective artists and builders. If you find errors, you may email corrections to Please note we are all out on the playa now, so...