Feb 27, 2015 | 2015, Burnal Equinox, Burnal Equinox 2015, Events
From 2015-02-03 There are a few set events we have each year on the playa and we are coming up to the first for this year. The following is a little bit of poetry you may like to add some more stanzas to, as a way to show what things would interest you in the...
Feb 3, 2015 | 2015, Burnal Equinox, Burnal Equinox 2015, Events
There are a few set events we have each year on the playa and we are coming up to the first for this year. The following is a little bit of poetry you may like to add some more stanzas to, as a way to show what things would interest you in the event. The best rhyming...