Conception 2021: Emergence
Hunt List
Hello hunt prize hunters!
Thank you for participating in the Conception 2021 10p hunt at Burn2! What do we mean by 10p? 10 Pence? 10 Pandas? 10 Pickles? No of course we mean the 10 principles. Gifting and Participation would be the top principles that come to mind for the hunt, but the other principles are all there as well to different degrees.
So what is this and how will this work? Well, the prizes are hidden in three different containers:
A sticker that could be stuck to ANYTHING.
A useful cardboard box.
A storage tote of toughness.
To find all of these prizes, you will have to search them out across the Deep Hole region. We even gave you some rough locations as to where to start. So go out there and find some prizes!
Below is the list of the participating artists in the hunt. Simply click on the name to get the SLURL to their plot. Once there, follow their provided hint.
Happy hunting!
HOUSE OF MIRRORS - deyanira Yalin
Life - Dusty Canning
Moya from creator to creature - Moya Janus
French translation: Il y a tellement de boutons et de cadrans autour de celui-ci. Vous devrez peut-être monter les escaliers à un autre niveau pour le comprendre.