Oct 13, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
There is only a couple of days to go until the playa opens to the SL public! Final touches to builds and schedules snap into place as the sims open to the press and blogger community for Press / Blogger Day. We’re ready to roll with performers and DJs at noon on...
Oct 7, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
The many and varied efforts of the Burn2 community culminated in the opening of the sims to the public at noon on Oct 16! Come one, come all! It’s time to Burn! Some Pointers A few pointers to help you get started. We have a map with slurls, so check that out....
Sep 30, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
Thu, 09/30/2010 Berlin Stage
Sep 29, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
Greetings Builders and Volunteers! Let me start by first saying how excited we all are about BURN2 and how this event has evolved so quickly into what it has become today because of your hard work and dedication. For this, the Burn2 Event Team and...
Sep 11, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
What can you say about crossing over, jumping the chasm…seeing the line in the sand just taking that…one step. Moving from our virtual Burn to… Burning Man!. When we came we wished we could take you all with us, but, frankly you wouldn’t all...
Aug 24, 2010 | 2010, Events, Octoburn 2010
Theme Camps are plots of land you can call home at BURN2. It is where you “camp” and also where you invite other participants to experience whatever you have in store for them. Theme Camps can be simple or complex, but they all have a...