Oct 16, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
BURN2 has been extended! It now runs through Sunday, November 4! Join us in six regions full of art, creativity, and fire! BURN2 will reach its climax with the Burning of The Man on Saturday, November 3, and The Temple on Sunday, November 4! We’ll see you...
Sep 5, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
Just days before building opens, Burn2 has sold out of all available parcels. The event will boast six regions of art and entertainment thanks to those who have bought parcels and donated land and lindens to the event. A big thank you for all of us with Burn2 for your...
Sep 5, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
We LOVE to showcase awesome art and amazing theme camps – and we still have a couple spaces available for them. If that sounds like you, send in an application ASAP. There is not much time left! Juried Art – These Parcels are curated by the BURN2 Art...
Sep 2, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
Every year we invite several artists we feel will provide incredible works to the Burn2 community. This year, we are proud to announce five very special artists we’ve invited to show their work on the virtual Playa at this year’s Burn2 event! Our 2012...
Aug 26, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
In keeping with the Burning Man principles of gifting and participation, we’re looking for volunteers to help build this year’s Temple! More importantly, in keeping with the principle of communal effort, this year’s Temple build will be a group...
Jul 31, 2012 | 2012, Events, Octoburn, Octoburn 2012
Trailing a cloud of particle-based dust, a weather worn pickup truck adorned with spray paint and stick on mirrors comes to a skidding halt. Slowly, the driver emerge… a gaunt figure wearing a cowboy hat, goggles, t-shirt, a Utilikilt, and lizard skin cowboy...