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Departments and Roles

Learn about the volunteer roles and departments in Burn2.

About the Departments

The departments in Burn2 help to support the planning and activities we carry out through the year. They all work together to make each event a success. Are you thinking about becoming a volunteer? Learn about each department - see which one "speaks" to you! You can also learn a bit more about volunteering and how it all works in Burn2.

Interested Burners are encouraged to register as volunteers, then look at the Open Roles Board to see which team openings are available. They can also talk with any of the department leads, to learn more and discover how to be part of the Burn2 volunteer team!

Departments, Roles & Descriptions


The Department of Mutant Vehicles (DMV) is a team that is tasked with several responsibilities:

  • Provide art car presence at Burn2 events, through a curated collection and creator-provided vehicles
  • Encourage and assist builders to make new art cars, including a support staff, workshops and tools
  • Manage vehicle scripting kits that are based on a central tested script with useful features and low-lag

DMV Redundancy Plan

DMV must always have a lead and co-lead. Both must keep complete copies of the DMV art car collection - cars that have been donated to DMV for the Burn2 art car rezzers. New art car assets should be updated with each other as they become available.

The 2 roles are not equal -- one is the active lead and the co-lead keeps a duplicate set of art car assets. But the co-lead needs to have the skills and prerequisites of a DMV lead so that they can step into the lead role if the need arises.


  • Custodian of the large collection of art cars contributed by Burners
  • Places rezzers for events in consultation with Placement and/or Event Lead
  • Curates and scripts art cars as needed for various Burn2 events
  • Encourages participants to build art cars, providing the rules, components, scripts and training
  • Manages art car scripts to provide best features and minimize lag impact
  • Long term planning of art car curation, scripting features, bug fixes
  • Sets policy for vehicles allowed at events in coordination with Ranger Leads

Same requirements as DMV Mechanics, plus:

  • Deep understanding of the platform technology sufficient to debug lag issues
  • Interpersonal skills to work with other leads for the best possible DMV presence
  • Long term commitment

The DMV Mechanics are a team that is tasked with:

  • Provide building and scripting help to participants who are building art cars
  • Assist DMV Lead with art car re-scripting projects
  • During Octoburn, perform art car inspections and inspection stickers for personal art cars


  • Deep experience with building and scripting
  • Thoroughly familiar with DMV scripting and art car building guidelines
  • Willingness and ability to help others


  • Only one version of the software will be made available to participants. The Software Maintainer manages the public release
  • The Software Maintainer will hold meetings for all developers and active end-users, where they can collectively decide on a list of bugs to be fixed and desired changes, new features or simplifications
  • The Software Maintainer will manage a github repository for the scripting system, and use git for development work
  • A new feature branch should be created in git whenever there are changes to be made and to test. This can be done by any developer working on changes, or by the Software Maintainer if the developer does not use git or github. The feature branch should be uploaded to the repository (git push) when it is ready to be tested by others
  • The Software Maintainer ensures that only changes that apply to a bug or feature agreed at the group meeting be announced for testing. If group testing is needed, the Software Maintainer announces to the group when a new feature branch is ready to be tested
  • After a software branch has been tested and the changes are ready to be included in the next version, the Software Maintainer merges that branch into the master branch
  • The Software Maintainer then creates a new version of the software package for Burn2 participants, as well as incrementing the version number on any scripts that have changed
  • Will provide timely updates to all giver boxes at Burn2 when there is a new bug fix or feature set, along with appropriate announcements and documentation
  • Provide guidance to developers on the process of using git for code management


  • Deep technical understanding of the scripting system being managed and its history of use at Burn2
  • Experience with platform tools to evaluate script lag
  • Familiarity with Git, account on Github, ability to guide and train developers on the git process
  • Long term commitment with supporting the scripting system for Burn2

Additional Policies:

  • Distributing alternative versions-
    To avoid confusion for the community, and to prevent conflict with the software maintainer, we ask that alternative versions NOT be distributed. If somebody wants features that are not included, they may bring those requests to the scripting group meeting or discuss it with the Software Maintainer.
  • Using alternative versions-
    Use of DMV Vehicle scripts is required. We have seen many user-provided scripts and Marketplace vehicles cause serious lag issues during events, therefore we only allow the scripts in the DMV kits to be used during events. These have been fully tested under high load conditions.

Department of Public Works (DPW)


Primary Tasks:
The DPW lead is ultimately responsible for all roles and sub-department tasks within the group as well as over any members delegated to head roles or tasks under the DPW.

  • Procures, builds and maintains the general infrastructure in Gerlach during and between events.
  • Coordinate with Event Leads to ensure they have all needed infrastructure for events.
  • “Playa Restoration” - Help to keep the playa and region clear of MOOP between events.
  • Help update and maintain community documents related to plot inspections & builder guidelines. Working with staff leadership and event leads prior to events.
  • In the event of a potential violation of builder guidelines brought to the attention of the DPW Lead, the DPW Lead will communicate with Event Lead, Placement Lead, Ranger Coordinators and if an exception has not already been granted for that case, sends B2BS to assist the builder.
  • Coordinate with event leads, RCs, Estate Managers & Rangers to share plot inspection spreadsheets, information and results as needed to perform their duties.

Familiarity with Burn2 Departments and collaborating groups.
Ability to identify problems and coordinate solutions effectively.
Served in DPW at past events including at least one Octoburn, familiar with the role duties.
Possess a solid working knowledge of building skills.

B2 Builder Support
Sub-Department of the DPW that performs the plot checks at Burn2 events as well as offers builder support to artists and builders within the community at large year-round. There is no experience needed to simply join the DPW as a dust monkey, the Builder Support Team will be reserved to members who have been vetted & willing to be fully trained for the task.

- Maintain a core team of qualified Plot Inspectors to handle inspection and guideline/rules issue resolution as well as approve guideline/rule related exceptions un-related to the plots themselves.
- Provide points of contact for artists/ builders after they have been assigned plots “if requested”.
- Work with builders/artists to help them conform to the builder rules and guidelines, when asked.

Saloon Manager:
- Manages scheduled events for the Black Rock Saloon.
- Receive notifications of anyone scheduling the saloon with the online form.
- Coordinates the scheduling of events that have to do with saloon reservations.
- Contact the event creator and get details on the event, work with the event lead or contact person.
- Ensures event falls in line with our sim ratings, guidelines, principles and rules.
- Convey event information to the comms team to be added to the calendar and/or for event posts.
- Share the event information at Planning Meetings and provide updates.
- Offer Help with any decorating, building or infrastructure if they would like additional help, optional.
- Coordinate and communicate with relevant Burn2 staff leads early on in the event of an issue.

The Burn2 Communications department serves to keep Burn2 Burners informed and supports the various functions of the Regional’s departments through Burn2’s communication channels.

The department maintains contact with bloggers who help us to reach an audience beyond the Burn2 Burner community, to share our news from press releases, website & blog postings, and our social media postings.

Burn2’s Regional Contacts can post on Burning Man networks to share Burn2’s events and news, such as press releases and links to our blog and website postings, on the Regionals communication network. The department lead will make sure the Regional Contacts have the needed information to share.

Burn2’s Networks

Beyond the inworld Burn2 group notices and group chats, these are the communications networks that Burn2 Communications operates:

Wiki: Burn2 on Burning Man Regional Events Wiki
Flickr (Group Pools):
Burn2 (Second Life):
Burn2 Listserv: send email to sl-announce (at) burningman (dot) org

When requested by event leads and leads of other Burn2 departments, Communications will send notices to BurningMan 2.0 and other Burn2 groups to announce news or participation opportunities to the Burn2 community. Communications will also use posters or flyers provided for distribution to the community via inworld notices, signage, and web and social media postings to promote upcoming events.

Links and, when appropriate, videos/machinimas will be embedded on Burn2’s website, about topics of interest to the Burn2 Burner community. This includes live streams and recordings produced by the B2TV group and machinimas of Burn2 events by selected producers. Announcements, articles and pages about Burn2, its events, groups and members can be seen on Burn2’s website.

External Networks

We also share information via external networks and contacts outside Burn2 to which the Burn2 Communications department staff have access. Burn2’s Regional Contacts can post to the Burning Man Regional Network, and we also are able to share information in the following channels:

The roles within the Burn2 Communications department and their areas of responsibility are as follows:

Communications Lead:

  • Receives requests for notices to inworld groups from department leads; forwards to the appropriate staff
  • Receives posters, flyers, other graphics intended for distribution via notices, signage, web and social media; ensures communications staff have copies for their channels
  • Coordinates the messaging to be distributed via channels


  • Maintains Burn2 website
  • Maintains home page on the site
  • Creates forms and pages for events - collaborates with Performance, event lead and other leads as needed for forms and pages. Provides reports on request of form submissions.
  • Works with Volunteer Coordinator to maintain the volunteers database, provides reports on request from Volunteer Coordinator
  • Creates and formats written content and graphics for pages
  • Works with Burn2 staff and members to add special feature articles or pages (such as spotlight articles about a Burn2 group or BWBSL/Lamplighters, etc.)

Discord Community Server Moderator:

Moderates the Burn2 Community server.
Desired skills and abilities:

  • Understanding context and the subtleties of human communication.
  • Making judgment calls on issues not covered explicitly by pre-defined rules.
  • Handling conflicts and sensitive situations with empathy and discretion.
  • Adapting to evolving community norms and expectations.

Ensures server users:

  • Adhere to the Community server Code of Conduct,
  • Adhere to the Discord Code of Conduct,
  • Remember the 10 Principles of Burning Man

Social Media - Facebook:

  • Coordinates with Communications Lead on news and information to be shared on the page or through the group
  • Posts notices from inworld to the group
  • Creates a Facebook event for Burn2 events using information from Burn2’s website
  • Posts calls for artists, performers, fashionistas, etc. for events as needed when posted on Burn2’s website
  • Cross-posts as permitted on BM and SL Facebook groups
  • Manages submitted post review requests and questions - contacts Suz or iSkye as needed.
  • Places a statement at the top of event pages or albums that photo contributors understand when uploading, Burn2 may use their photos however they wish

Social Media - Twitter: Sends posts informing on upcoming events in Burn2

Social Media - Instagram: Sends posts informing on upcoming events in Burn2

Wiki Editor: Keeps the event information up to date

Inworld Notices: Sends inworld notices at the direction of the Communications Lead


Content Creator:

Person(s) would assist in writing up content intended for one of the channels. More than one person could help in different areas.

  • Twitter: Edit and compose posts that meet graphics, text limits and other specifications.
  • Instagram: Edit and compose posts that meet graphics, text limits and other specifications, to encourage the community to learn more about Burning Man via available educational resources as part of the global community.
  • Write up interviews for inclusion on Burn2’s website. This content could come from video recordings done by/with B2TV. It may not be possible to include a full length interview; in these cases the text with some photos could be a good option while linking to the original interview video from the page.

Social Media - Discord Events: Share information about Burn2’s events on other Discord servers, like Media SL

Social Media - Flickr: Post photos of Burn2 events, posters, etc. where permitted on other Flickr sites

Staff Photographer(s):

  • Take photos as requested for events, for social media usage, press releases, etc.
  • May need to create photos to specifications per Communications staff member.
  • Responsible for ensuring when taking photographs of art, to properly credit the artist, photographer, title and description of the art (if available), and date or event name, whenever possible.

Staff Artist(s):

  • For Burn2’s events, work with the Event Lead or source of the event theme and Communications Lead to develop posters and art for promoting events and activities.
  • Create and provide requested graphics per specifications given by the Communications core staff.

Prerequisites for Burn2 Communications Department:

  • Demonstrated familiarity and skill in an area of focus of the department which includes knowledge of the specific requirements (graphics, content limits, guidelines) of posting and appropriate usage of the communications channel.
  • Team player - important to coordinate messaging that goes out from Burn2 Communications through our various channels, at the direction of the Communications Lead.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills

A Burn2 group that organizes and produces fashion shows at Burn2 events. Conducts workshops on modeling and fashion within the 10P/Burner culture framework.

  • The Burn2 Fashionistas are Burners who assemble outfits that range from the ridiculous to the fabulous, from crazy to classy, according to the Burn2 event topic and perform a Fashion show.
  • No previous modeling experience needed! There are no restrictions to who can become a Fashionista, everyone in the group is a participant.

Prerequisites for Fashionistas Lead

  • Have been in at least 6 (Six) shows
  • Clear and timely communication


  • Train New Greeters
  • Contact recent greeters and motivate to greet again
  • Keep track of greeter schedule
  • Assist working greeters


Greeters are volunteers who welcome visitors Home at all events, ready to provide information.

  • Assist newcomers to Second Life
  • Show people around the playa: gifts, stages, builds
  • Share information about the 10 Principles and BURN2
  • Give information about the community’s current and upcoming events and activities


The nature of Burn2 is kind of a hybrid - a bona fide regional of Burning Man that once a year becomes an echo of Black Rock City, to emulate the overall look and feel of the physical playa. For the other events during the year, we have more latitude to take advantage of some of the features of the virtual setting, such as plot builds in the sky and fanciful environments.

This dictates how the playa is used through the year.

NOTE: Prior to 2021, all Placement work for Octoburn was handled by one individual; for Octoburn 2021, we had a Placement Lead and a team of Placers. They were enormously helpful by sharing the placement workload during the build period which is the heaviest part of the work. The Event Placement Lead role can be filled by individual who meet the prerequisites for the role, or by the Octoburn Placement Lead. This department's structure provides for additional volunteer participation.

Roles and Responsibilities

- Handles Placement duties for the annual Octoburn “Big Burn” event
- Work with Regional Contact(s) to determine number of additional regions
- Work up playa planning documents – financial, regions layout, plot locations, etc.
- Work with planning committee on added regions, region names, layout of added regions relative to Deep Hole, gather information for ordering additional regions
- Work with webmaster in Communications for plot owner questionnaire form, Plottery application form and information to go on website including guidelines
- Manage plot sale – create kiosks & tickets, work with M2 or an RC on setting up vendors
- Record plot sale updates transmitted from Regional Contact – this information along with responses to plot questionnaire will be used to determine plot placements
- Map out & prepare the playa – plots, roads and cut plots
- Determine locations of mainstay structures – Man, Temple, Rangers, Lamplighters, Fashionistas, Greeters, 3 official stages, etc., communicate to the relevant teams
- Allocate areas for invited artists and small art installations, communicate number and sizes for these to the Invited Artist committee
- Direct Placers to decide and record placements on plot sheet, send out placement notecards (welcome, guidelines link, Builder Support availability, build period deadline)
- With Placers, fulfill Plot EEP & radio requests by plot owners (per request or via questionnaire)
- Provide view access of the list of plot owners and locations to DPW’S Builder Support team, with edit access in an assigned portion of the sheet or in a tab
- Arrange and record any placement changes (plot moves) on the plot sheet. These include “exceptions” Placement will handle. Examples: If a plot owner needs or asks to be moved to another plot, or requests to get another or adjacent plot, Placement will handle these. These can occur at any time from build period open to event open.

- Octoburn Co-Placement Lead/Octoburn Placement Assistant one year for training)
- At least one year experience as a Placer for Octoburn
- Friendly, works well with people
- Problem solver
- Solid team player
- Experienced builder

- Handles Placement duties for events like Winter Burn, Burnal Equinox, Conception, Burnstock
- Consults Event Lead on vision and plan for the event’s theme for playa layout purposes
- Decide whether to cut plots or set out plot markers
- Map out the playa, set down markers for plots, stages, effigy, etc.
- Work up plot sheet with builders and locations
-Contact Lamplighters to set down spires, contact groups/departments to build up their plots
- Work with an Estate Manager on Playa texture and EEP changes
- Create/update builder guidelines
- Work with webmaster in Communications for builder signup forms and information to go on website including guidelines
- Decide placements, contact builders with plot placements
- Provide view access of the list of plot owners and locations to DPW’s Builder Support team with full view access, and with edit access in an assigned portion of the sheet or in a tab
- Arrange and record any placement changes (plot moves) on the plot sheet. These include “exceptions” Placement will handle. Examples: If a plot owner needs or asks to be moved to another plot, or requests to get another or adjacent plot, Placement will handle these. These can occur at any time from build period open to event open.
- Allocate spaces for DPW to set out signs, roads, porta potties, etc.

- At least one year experience as a volunteer in at least one Burn2 department or team
- Co-Placement Lead (or Placement Assistant) in at least one regional event (not Octoburn)
- Friendly, works well with people
- Problem solver
- Solid team player
- Experienced builder

- Using the plot sale records and questionnaire responses received from plot owners, make placement decisions in their assigned regions and record them in the plot sheet
- Send placement information in notecards to plot owners
- Fulfill plot EEP & radio requests, etc.
- Work with Octoburn Placement Lead in the event of needed placement changes
- At least one year experience as a volunteer in at least one Burn2 department or team
- Friendly, works well with people, collaborative
- Problem solver
- Solid team player
- Experienced builder
Committee members can vary each year
A committee within the Placement Department that will invite and call artists to apply for an invited artist or small art installation grant at Octoburn.

Members of the Artists Committee will:
- Determine guidelines for the art installations
- Work with webmaster in Communications to update grant application forms
- Review, select and award the invited artist and small artist grants
- Manage art displays in Center Camp
- Coordinate art tours

- Member of the Burn2 community in good standing
- Friendly, works well with people, collaborative
- Experienced builder/artist
- Solid team player

- Invites/recruits artists to sign up to build at events like Winter Burn, Burnal Equinox, Conception, Burnstock
- Ensures they understand the event vision/theme and comply with the 10 Principles in their builds.
- Provides guidance with questions related to builds.
- Gets plot assignments from Placement Lead, if plots are cut. If no plots will be cut for a Regional event, placement can set down markers for plot locations, then either artists/builders can choose their plots or they can be assigned by placement.

- At least one year experience as a volunteer in at least one Burn2 department or team
- Friendly, works well with people, collaborative
- Solid team player

The Rangers are a group of specially trained Burners who aid the community in various ways; as mediators, helpers, and Guardians of the 10 Principles. They are not a police force or enforcement team of any kind. The Rangers assist with relaying information between groups and individuals. They assist builders with settings for their plot, media, building help/tips, and are a resource to educate builders on why the build guidelines are a reflection of the 10 Principles. Rangers are often helping at events with plot checking, assisting the Burn Team in clearing needed areas, supporting performance functioning, and helping newcomers feel welcome and acclimate to the Burn2 culture. Rangers do not respond or intervene in situations, unless asked. Much of what they do in terms of problem solving is not seen by others. Confidentiality of those receiving assistance is honored. Rangers encourage both personal agency and a community of shared responsibility and assist only as needed. The role of the Ranger has been aptly described as "riding the edge of chaos."

The Rangers have 2 Co-leads, as this demonstrates that the Rangers are about cooperation, mutual respect, and work as a team. Rangers are also mandated to respond to situations they are called into for assistance by following a procedure called FLAME - Find Out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, and Explain. There is also a reporting system for situations called LSD - Location, Situation, and Determination. Major incidents on the Playa, where the banning of individuals needs to be considered, is referred to a team called 007s. This group is aptly named for "its license to kill".

The Ranger Co-leads are responsible for the annual mandatory training of Burn2 Rangers. Burn2 Rangers operate under the auspices of the Black Rock Rangers; their training and operations mirror that of the BRC Rangers and the VEST Rangers. The Ranger Co-leads are responsible for seeing that follow-up for reported situations occurs and consult with BRC Rangers on an as needed basis.

You can learn more by reading the Burn2 Rangers manual.

The Performance Team are responsible for administering to the performers and running the stages during Burn2 events.

Career Progression

To ensure continuity and resilience there is a career progression system in the Performance Team so that interested volunteers can express an interest to move up to more senior roles. After gaining the necessary experience, candidates can be considered for promotion.

Stage Crew > Stage Manager > Perf Team Lead > Perf Team Consultant/Co-Lead

STAGE CREW (Regional & Octoburn Events)

Stage Crew are Volunteers responsible for the day-to-day operations of Burn2 stages during events. Stage Crew's primary role is to assist performers at check in and ensure they are ready, check and monitor the audio stream, assist with performer handovers, and seek replacement performers in the case of a no-show.

  • Reports to relevant Stage Manager (or Performance Lead if unavailable).
  • Arrives on-region 30 mins before shift starts and checks-in for Stage Crew duty via the BURN2 ACCESS Group.
  • Monitors BURN2 ACCESS Group for Performer check-ins.
  • Works through the Stage Host Flowchart with checked-in Performers to ensure their readiness.
  • Assists performers if needed, to change the land stream to theirs at handover if required.
  • Posts group chat announcements of performances just before the top of every hour.
  • Welcomes and announces performers to the stage or (20 mins before handover) seeks emergency Performer cover in BURN2 ACCESS Group and works with Communications Lead for website schedule changes if no shows/substitutions if stage manager/performance lead is unavailable.
  • Monitors Burning Man 2.0 & BURN2 ACCESS Groups, and Perf. Team Discord during events for Performance Related Issues.
  • Welcomes Burners arriving in their stage area (if time allows) and assists them with any enquiries.
  • Reports to relevant Stage Manager (or Performance Lead if unavailable) on status, especially for Performer or Stage Host no-shows or Stage Area Incidents.
  • Should request Ranger support in the event of potential griefing or other incidents involving complaints or conflict. Stage Crew do not get directly involved.

(1 for each stage at Octoburn, The Perf. Team Lead is the Stage Manager for regional events)

Stage Managers oversee individual Stages, supporting the Stage Crew.

  • Reports to the Performance Team Lead.
  • Processes performer bookings and enters them into Performance Team Master Schedule Document (Google Document) for their stage.
  • Communicates with performers regarding any booking issues, cancellations or changes and sends the ‘2nd Confirmation Email’ to performers exactly 1 week before the event. Also relays any changes or cancellations to the Communications Lead to update the online Booking Form & Calendar.
  • Monitors Burning Man 2.0 & BURN2 ACCESS Groups, and Team Discord during events for Performance Related Issues.
  • Ensures that Stage Crew follow the ‘Stage Host Flowchart’ and 10 Principles.
  • Provides support, assistance and monitoring of the Stage Crew for their stage and steps in to act as a Stage Crew if emergency cover is required.


The Performance Team Lead is a Year-Round Staff Role, responsible for managing the Performance Team Stage Managers and Stage Crew Volunteers, Performer Scheduling, Strategic policy, procedures and training of the Performance Team.


  • Assumes the duties of the Stage Manager for Regional events.
  • Administers to the Performance Team Master Schedule Doc (Google Doc) for each event, ensuring accuracy and restricting access to protect personal data.
  • Administers to the Performance Team Discord Channel and ensures adequate team communications before and during events.
  • Coordinates with other Burn2 Departments on joint activities and event timings (eg. Comms-Website for Booking Form Design, DJs and timings for Burn Teams, Lamplighters Procession DJs & timings, Stage Builders, Placement for Stage locations & Parcels, B2TV for Stage Screens & Media etc.).
  • Monitors Burning Man 2.0 & BURN2 ACCESS Groups, and Team Discord during events for Performance Related Issues.
  • Processes Stage Crew Bookings and assigns them to Stages and Shifts (Where possible assigning experienced Crew as ‘primary’ and new recruits as ’shadow’).
  • Provides a Dance Machine and Dance Relays (at Stages or Camps by request).
  • May assume the Role of Stage Crew if required for Emergency Cover.
  • Provides Chat relays (as required) to cover large Burn2 Stage Areas.
  • Ensures that performers and Stage Crew follow the 10 Principles.
  • Works with communications lead on website schedule changes for no-shows/substitutions.
  • Directs Communications Lead as to any announcements needed.
  • Reports team status updates to the Burn2 Planning committee at one of the two meetings each week and takes questions.
  • Gives Team Status Updates to the Event Lead.


Performs all the same duties as a Regional Event, with the following additions:

  • Appoints, trains and Schedules Stage Managers to run the official Burn2 Stage(s).
  • May assume the Role of Stage Manager if required for Emergency Cover.


  • Seeks private advice on: Strategic and policy decisions, Staffing, Group cohesion and dynamics and any unforeseen issues with the Perf Team Consultant/Co-Lead.
  • Keeps the Perf Team Consultant/Co-Lead regularly updated with status briefings, to ensure they can step in as Team Lead at any time, in case of absence by the Team Lead.
  • Reports strategic, status and policy updates to the joint Leads committee and seeks approval where necessary.

CONSULTANT/CO-LEAD (Regional & Octoburn Events)

The Performance Team Consultant/Co-Lead is a year-round role, normally filled by the previous Performance Team Lead. They have the same authority as the Performance Team Lead and their primary role is to privately advise the Performance Team Lead. They will not normally get involved in day-to-day operations of the Performance Team, however their secondary Role is to step in as Performance Team Lead at any time, if the Performance Team Lead is absent for any reason.

  • Administrative advisor and assistant to the Performance Team Lead.
  • Has the same authority as the Perf Team Lead and can assume Performance Team Lead duties in case of their absence/sickness/holiday.
  • A permanent, year-round Role normally filled by the Previous Perf Team Lead.

Primary duties include:

  • Collaborates with Comms to maintain an online volunteer database
  • Follow up on new signups via the volunteer form on Burn2’s website
  • Refer new volunteers to the appropriate leads to be started with the teams
  • Assist volunteers in finding the roles best suited to them
  • Organize post event Volunteer Appreciation parties, and occasional volunteer meetups
  • Show people around the playa: gifts, stages, builds
  • Assist Burn2 Leads to schedule regular meetings to focus on their departments needs and to facilitate more productive collaboration


  • One year volunteering and getting to know the Burn2 community
  • Able to communicate effectively and collaborate with all department leads
  • Able to access and navigate Google docs and sheets and collaborate with the webmaster in working on the volunteers database.
  • Genuine interest in helping people.


Regional & Octoburn Events

  • One or more persons to plan, build and script the Burn effigy
  • Perform the effigy burns/Man Burns during the events
  • Select a DJ or music during the burns. If music selection is to be delegated, it must be arranged with the Performance Team well in advance of the event.
  • Person performing the burn music needs to coordinate with Performance Lead for stream and handover details
  • *First time effigy builders, scripters or burners, should have a mentor due to the complexity of the role


As a Burning Man virtual Regional, we are authorized to replicate and perform a virtual Burn of the Man. We have a team we ask first for the Man replica build and burn. In order for them to determine availability we need to check with them as soon as we know the dates for the upcoming Octoburn event. If they are not available, then we can seek volunteers for the build team. This is determined each year during the planning meetings.

Placement for the Man replica is determined by the Placement Lead when the playa maps are designed and created. There is a predetermined relative location of the Man replica in relation to Center Camp and the Temple.

  • Placement’s footprint and LI allocation for effigy build: 4096sqm, 900 max is ideal for effigy- 1250 allocated for plot (plot is cut)

Regional Events:

Effigies for regional event burns are typically designed to fit the event’s theme in coordination with the Event Lead. Placement of the effigy is determined in coordination with the Placement Lead for the design and placement of the effigy.

  • Placement’s footprint and LI allocation for effigies: 1024sqm, 400-500 LI


Effigy Builder:

  • Building experience to deliver an effigy meeting the build requirements listed below
  • (Regional events) Design an effigy that fits the event theme in coordination with the event lead
  • Building experience sufficient to deliver good aesthetic appearance

Effigy Scripter/Burner:

  • Deep familiarity with scripting and script testing
  • Understanding of Burn in a Box
  • Commitment to test the burn before the event
  • Commitment to provide effigy burns during event
  • Commitment to deliver a scripted effigy that meets scripting requirements listed below



Effigy Build:

  • Minimum 300 prims, maximum 900. 400-500 is considered ideal.
  • Should be made from all regular prims; no mesh or sculpted prims.
    *(Exceptions to allow mesh prims require special knowledge of compatibility with Burn in a Box scripting system)
  • Prims must be sized and in a quantity to provide a sufficient pile of embers after the burn to dance on
  • The majority of prims must have the x/y/z center inside the visual bounds of the prim. In other words, not shaped in a way that sets the particles outside the visual bounds of the prims.

Effigy Scripting:

  • The smoking-burning-falling sequence should be approximately 20-30 minutes.
  • Be prepared to perform manual physics and unlinking, if portions of the effigy do not unlink and fall.
  • The falling portion of the sequence should be done (embers may still be smoldering/burning) by approximately 1/2 past the hour, to allow for dancing on embers for the remaining time.
  • The "poof" sequence should be gradual and not begin until a few minutes before the full hour has elapsed.
  • All effigy prims are cleared at the close of the burn hour. The burn team needs to coordinate with the Rangers if they want any help in clearing the area.

Software Maintainer, Burn in a Box: Cuga Rajal

Role Responsibilities:

  • Only one version of the software will be made available to participants. The Software Maintainer manages the public release.
  • Will hold meetings for all developers and active end-users, where they can collectively decide on a list of bugs to be fixed and desired changes, new features or simplifications
  • Will manage a github repository for the scripting system, and use git for development work.
  • A new feature branch should be created in git whenever there are changes to be made and to test. This can be done by any developer working on changes, or by the Software Maintainer if the developer does not use git or github. The feature branch should be uploaded to the repository (git push) when it is ready to be tested by others.
  • The Software Maintainer ensures that only changes that apply to a bug or feature agreed at the group meeting be announced for testing. If group testing is needed, the Software Maintainer announces to the group when a new feature branch is ready to be tested.
  • After a software branch has been tested and the changes are ready to be included in the next version, the Software Maintainer merges that branch into the master branch.
  • The Software Maintainer then creates a new version of the software package for Burn2 participants, as well as incrementing the version number on any scripts that have changed.
  • Will provide timely updates to all giver boxes at Burn2 when there is a new bug fix or feature set, along with appropriate announcements and documentation.
  • Provide guidance to developers on the process of using git for code management.


  • Deep technical understanding of the scripting system being managed and its history of use at Burn2
  • Experience with platform tools to evaluate script lag
  • Familiarity with Git, account on Github, ability to guide and train developers on the git process
  • Long term commitment with supporting the scripting system for Burn2

Additional Policies:

  • Distributing alternative versions-
    To avoid confusion for the community, and to prevent conflict with the software maintainer, we ask that alternative versions NOT be distributed. If somebody wants features that are not included, they may bring those requests to the scripting group meeting or discuss it with the Software Maintainer.
  • Using alternative versions-
    Burn in a Box - optional. If somebody has the scripting skills and desire to make modifications, they may do so privately on their own builds. This includes effigy builds.
  • Coordinates with all department and team leads for an event and monitors their progress
  • Provides support, assistance and are expected to guide the event theme where needed or calls upon DPW staff to provide these services
  • Provides direction to Communications Lead regarding announcements
  • Ensures Leaving No Trace has been completed and collects after-event reports from Leads to submit to the Regional Contacts

Regional Events:

  • Guides the selected artistic vision and theme for an event.
  • Works with Placement Lead on playa layout.

Octoburn Events:

  • Ensures that the Burning Man artistic vision and theme are followed.


  • Familiarity with how all Burn2 and collaborating groups operate and the requirements of all lead roles
  • Ability to identify problems and coordinate solutions effectively
  • Understand the sequence and steps in preparing an event at Burn2 and in SL
  • Good communication and coordination skills
  • Demonstrated team player
  • At least 1 year prior involvement in one of Burn2's departments during regional events
  • If a first-time regional event lead, have an experienced Assistant Event Lead as a guide/coach
  • For Octoburn, be an Assistant Event Lead first time; the following year, become Event Lead (optionally, with an experienced past Octoburn event lead as a guide/coach)

Duties include:

  • Managing and organizing gifts for the Welcome / Newcomer area
  • Encouraging participation to create a gift.
  • Providing the gift table guidelines, gift giver components, scripts and training when needed.
  • Coordinating with placement to get the builders names to invite them to contribute gifts.
  • Inspecting gifts to confirm they are following 10P’s, TOS, and script count.
  • Coordinating with the Greeter Lead to update Greeter backpacks when needed.
  • Coordinating with DPW to place/build tables, tents etc. and update when needed.


The Burners Without Borders in Second Life (BWBSL)

Burners Without Borders Second Life (BWBSL) has been a BWB Chapter since 2017 and is a grassroots, volunteer-driven, virtual community group DO-ing good work. BWBSL leads a Darkness Into Light initiative, and participates with OBR and RFL in SL. Visit their Facebook page to learn more.

The Lamplighters

The Lamplighters are a separate but collaborating group with Burn2. You can see what they do at Burn2's events on their website.


Who are the Staff at BURN2?
The Burn2 Staff are a core of very dedicated, active volunteers who keep things running on the Deep Hole sim (and more at Octoburns). They help plan and organise the events during the year, spread Burning culture and the practice of the Ten Principles, and enthusiastically invite other Burners to join the efforts of the Regional, inspired by the philosophy and “10P” of Burning Man.

Burn2 Department of Mutant Vehicles

Cuga Rajal

Cuga Rajal

DMV Co-lead

Hallix Raine Rajal

Hallix Raine Rajal

DMV Co-lead

Burn2 DPW

Lily Von Magic

Lily Von Magic

DPW Co-lead



DPW Co-lead

Huntress Catteneo

Huntress Catteneo

DPW Dust Monkey



B2 Builder Support



B2 Builder Support

Burn2 Communications

iSkye Silvercloud

iSkye Silvercloud

Comms Lead, Webmistress



Social Media - Instagram

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Comms Co-lead

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Social Media - Facebook



Comms Staff Photographer

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Comms Staff Artist

Harlo Jamison

Harlo Jamison

Comms Staff Photographer

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Comms Staff Artist



Comms Staff Photographer

Burn2 Fashionistas



Fashionistas Co-lead



Fashionista Model



Fashionistas Co-lead

Lily Von Magic

Lily Von Magic

Fashionista Model



Fashionista Model

Camilla Maskelyne

Camilla Maskelyne

Fashionista Model



Fashionista Model



Fashionista Model



Fashionista Model

Tempest Rosca

Tempest Rosca

Fashionista Model

Burn2 Greeters



Greeters Co-lead



Greeters Co-lead



Greeters Co-lead

Burn2 Placement

iSkye Silvercloud

iSkye Silvercloud

Placement Lead

Huntress Catteneo

Huntress Catteneo

Placement Co-lead

Burn2 Rangers

Leondra Larsson

Leondra Larsson

Rangers Co-lead

Lee1 Olsen

Lee1 Olsen

Rangers Co-lead

Burn2 Performance

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Performance Lead

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Performance Co-lead

Volunteer Coordinator

Lily Von Magic

Lily Von Magic

Volunteer Coordinator

Burn2 Regional Contact



Regional Contact

Administrative Support

Jeff Olhoeft

Jeff Olhoeft

Administrative Support

Burn2 Gifts Curator

"People out here build whole worlds out of nothing, through cooperating."

Larry Harvey

"Burning Man is like a big family picnic. Would you sell things to one another at a family picnic? No, you'd share things."
Larry Harvey

"We take people to the threshold of religion. Our aim is to induce immediate experience that is beyond the odd, beyond the strange, and beyond the weird.
It verges on the wholly other."
Larry Harvey
Radical Inclusion: Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.
Gifting: Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value.
Communal Effort: Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.
Decommodification: In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience.
Radical Self-expression: Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient.
Radical Self-reliance: Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on his or her inner resources.
Civic Responsibility: We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
Participation: Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart.
Leaving No Trace: Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.
Immediacy: Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience.