Think about transformations that you've experienced in your life - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. and examine what made those moments so pivotal for you.
Many cultures of the world have mythologies about transformations, or as the Greeks and Romans called them, metamorphoses.
In today's world maybe humans are not turned into animals and frogs don't become princes when kissed. But transformations can happen for a person or collectively for a group and these metamorphoses can have a powerful effect on our lives.
We invite you to immerse yourself in transformative experiences, explore the ideas and thoughts and dreams of creatives around you at Burn2. If you are an artist, a builder, a musician, a dancer, a singer -- come and enrich the environment with your creativity!
Plan a camp or art installation and reserve your plot today, choose it from the extended hands in front of the pool of Narcissus, review the builders guidelines. When we receive your plot owner's questionnaire answers, they will help us to give you the best placement possible.
Then get ready to participate in Burn2 2019: Metamorphoses! October 11-20, 2019!