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Curiouser   &   Curiouser

October 18-27, 2024

Burn2's Big Burn Cometh

Every year, Burn2 "echoes" the annual event in Black Rock City, Nevada. As Black Rock City rises up on the playa, some of our own will make their way there.

Meanwhile, Burn2 Burners begin their preparations for the event in October. We will continue our tradition of echoing Black Rock City with the same art theme: Curiouser & Curiouser. This year's theme "...celebrates puzzles without answers, embraces the irrational and the absurd, and invites the unknown over for tea. Because it’s in those timeless moments of not knowing, when we’re consumed entirely by curiosity, that we experience our most profound learning, growth, and creativity."

We will expand beyond Deep Hole, from 1 to 12 regions, and the additional region names are being selected! You will see them here when they are decided.

What we will do this year is echo the traditional annual event in the Black Rock desert, with the familiar sights and sounds, look and feel of the ancient dry lake bed where a city has sprung up from the dust. We will go beyond that, too - with the theme "Curiouser & Curiouser" allowing amazing, strange and wonderful possibilities for creating structure, art and sound from a barren virtual playa. The Man and Temple will be there. And we will have our plots...and HUBS.

Step off a road, walk into a camp, and you'll enter an unknown world created by the owner of that plot. Artists and builders, consider the Burning Man art theme for 2024. Builders, get out your tools and pencils! Deploy your mice and keyboards to form your next works of imagination. As fanciful as you may get, don't forget to stay rooted firmly in the 10 Principles of Burning Man and within the Terms of Service, Community Standards and Maturity rating of Burn2's regions. Guidelines are provided to help with this also.

At Black Rock City, you won't find "official stages" - just sound camps and stages brought in by enthusiastic Burners. In Burn2, we echo this and encourage you to form sound camps where Burners can visit and enjoy special activities and performances. We have seen many sound camps in the past, of all sizes, and we appreciate every one of them. There is a specialness in the way these camp stage builders and performers work together and create all kinds of different ways for participants to experience the talent and love for enjoying things together.

We want to take this a step further this year, by encouraging the concept of HUBS (Humans Uniting for Better Sustainability).

Center Camp will still have a stage available for booking. It's a more casual, laid-back environment that is great for storytelling, poetry reading, some DJs and live singers.

For more than a decade, this Regional has echoed the look and feel of Black Rock City. We are excited! We hope you are, too! And so we will say when this event opens on the 18th of October, "Welcome Home!"

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