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October 6-15, 2023

Octoburn FAQ

These are the questions we get most often about events at Octoburn. If you have other questions, ask a Burn2 Ranger or other Burn2 staff, and they will either assist or direct you to someone who can help you. Keep in mind some of these are subject to change year to year.

About Performing

Can I choose the music stream to use in my plot, or must Burn2 choose it?
YES! As long as the stream is non-commercial (no ads), you can choose the stream to use. Burn2 staff can also assist in choosing a stream.
Can I use the Center Camp Stage?
If you are a performer, yes - you can sign up for a slot to play at Center Camp during Octoburn. Watch the notices announcing when performance signups open.
Can I have parties on my plot?
Yes, you can have parties on your plot at Octoburn. If you plan to have parties all week long or if a lot of people will come to your party, please make sure to let us know in the plot owners form after you get your plot. We will try to place you so there aren't problems with other active camps.
Can I list my events in the SL Event Calendar?
Yes, you can.
Can I advertise my Burn2 events outside of Burn2?
Yes. You can advertise about your events at your camp in your group.
Can I advertise my non Burn2 events at Burn2?
No, you cannot promote your non-Burn2 activities while at Burn2.
Can I have a tip or donation jar/item at Burn2?
No, you cannot set out a tip jar or tip item at Burn2.
Can I call out for people to join my group?
No, you cannot call out for people to join your group during your event at Burn2. You cannot set out a group joiner board, either. You CAN mention your group in your profile.
Can I let people know if they want to know more about me, to check my profile?
Yes! We encourage you to use your profile to tell people about yourself.

No Main Stage at Octoburn

Last year we made this change and this year we continue it. Our aim is to echo Black Rock City just that little bit more by having no "official" stages at Burn2's event. But since Center Camp has a stage, it will still be there!

Center Camp Stage
This is a more laid-back, relaxed environment, at Center Camp. While Center Camp occupies a 64x64 meter area, the stage is smaller, with plenty of area for dancing and comfortable seating on rugs, cushions or chairs, almost a sort of coffeehouse environment in a large round tent open at all sides. This is an ideal place for poetry readings, discussions, live singers and bands who find this type of environment well suited to them. Typically there is enough room to rez a piano (or one may be already be in place) or other instruments, microphones, etc. but it is not a large area.

What's This About HUBS?

In 2022, we offered camps the opportunity to manage their own schedules and stages through Burn2's website. Those who tried it, found it gives them great advantages: better control over their own scheduling, ability to cancel and reschedule. We're going to offer this again this year!

This year we are taking this a bit further. We want to emulate a system that was first used at BRC in 2022, called HUBS (Humans Uniting for Better Sustainability). It is a system that is designed for camps to partner up and share resources such as power, water, transportation. Placement has always tried to place camps together when requested, but with HUBS we will give priority to camps who are partnering together to share resources.

But what resources are there in a virtual world? Sound stages. Art installations can be shareable experiences for participants. Common areas for activities. Share the same schedule among participating camps. Shared schedules can feature not only music on the shared stage, but also activities on partner camps in a HUBS village, such as art installation shows or activities that bring Burners together. Camps can be those that are complementary in what they feature, or they can be sound camps that are willing to share the stage and schedule resources together.

This is an effort to "echo" Black Rock City just a bit more, but in a virtual way. Communal effort and civic responsibility can be magical!

Participating in a HUBS is not required. We just really encourage this because it is such a Burnery thing to do! For a little light reading about HUBS, you can visit this page: HUBS (Humans Uniting for Better Sustainability).

About Building

Am I required to do an art build on my plot?
No, you don't have to create an art build. It can be a simple camp if you wish.
Do I have to make everything I put on my plot?
No, you do not have to be the creator of everything you put on your plot.
Can I use items that I own on my plot?
Yes, you can use items that you own, even if you are not the creator.
Can I have helpers on my plot?
Yes, you can have up to 3 co-builders with you on your plot, and they will be able to put items they own or make on your plot. Remember that they must also follow the builder guidelines.
Does Burn2 give lessons?
Yes, from time to time we host workshops in various topics - basic building, scripting, art car building, porta potty decorating, classic skin making (for the Skin Burn!). If you are interested, let one of the event staff know.
Can I let some of my items overhang the road?
Short answer: No. Longer answer: It depends - if they do not block traffic that moves along the road or hang down to the road so that someone has to move through it. Burn2 Rangers or Burn2 event staff will be happy to advise you on this.
Can I get more prims/LI?
There are a few ways to get more prims/LI. You could buy another plot (as long as at least one side is touching your plot). You could work with your neighbour, if they are done with their build and they have prims to spare that they don't mind sharing, we can join your two plots so that you can share their prims. *If you or your neighbour have a "Plottery" plot, we cannot join your plots together.*
How can I get a free plot?
If you cannot afford to buy a plot, you can sign up for the Plot Lottery - Burn2 staff will award a limited number of 512 square meter plots with 156LI. Watch for the signup if interested. *You cannot get a free plot if you already bought one. You cannot buy another plot after getting awarded a free plot. Also, if you get a free plot, you cannot join your plot to another person's plot.*
Can I give stuff away on my plot?
Yes, you can give away things on your plot. Gifting is a cherished principle at both Burning Man and Burn2! Remember though, if any part of your gift creation was made by another person (parts of builder kits, for example), make sure to follow the creator's instructions in their terms of use.
Do I have to have a plot to show my art?
No - we will have opportunity for members of the community to contribute small art builds that will be placed in various spots around the playa. Watch for the signup announcement in notices for small art creators!
Do I have to have a plot to have a camp?
If you cannot afford to get a plot, and you signed up for but were not awarded a Plottery plot, you can get a campsite in the Walk-in Camping area. There is a very small prim allowance - but it gives you a spot to camp and meet others around you.
Can I share space with my neighbour?
Yes - if neither of you has a Plottery plot, we can join your plots so you share the space together.
Can I ask to be placed near someone or something on the playa?
Yes, you can ask to be placed near someone or some landmark on the playa. We will try to accommodate your request, but we cannot promise it.

On TOS, Maturity, Sim Rules and the Ten Principles

Is nudity allowed at Burn2?
Yes, as long as any attached genitalia are clearly in an unaroused state, and they are not worn in a way that attracts attention. Sexual behaviour is not permitted on Burn2's sims. Additionally, naked child avatars are not allowed on any Burn2 region at any time.
Can I have sex items in my plot as long as they are kept private?
No. No sex items are allowed on the playa, even inside your building. Sexual behaviour is also not permitted. You can use a PG version of the item (with cuddles, for example) or if you can make a copy of the sex item and remove all sex animations, that will be fine. If not sure about something you want to put into your plot, ask a Burn2 Ranger for assistance.
Can I enter plots and climb on and try out things?
Yes, many builders create wonderful interactive experiences in their plots and visitors are welcome to explore them.
Can I leave my avatar logged in 'sleeping' at my camp, while I go off to RL.
Yes, you can - we hope you'll come back from RL to enjoy the activities during the event. Keep in mind that we do perform sim restarts daily and other times when needed, and your avatar may get booted out of SL.
Can I use my own car?
If it is a wearable vehicle, yes, you can use your own vehicle at Burn2 - keep the width to the width of the road, please. We do have DMV art car rezzers available on the sims, where you can get a vehicle to ride around.
Can I park my car anywhere and come back for it later?
If you use a vehicle from one of the DMV rezzers around the playa, many of them will de-rez when you stand up. If you are in the Burn2 Access group and you rez your own car/bike, ride it around and forget to take it up again when done, it will get returned to you as MOOP (Matter Out of Place).
Are child avatars allowed at Burn2?
Yes, child avatars are allowed at Burn2. However, sexual behaviour or depiction of sexual content with child avatars (called ageplay) is a violation of the Community Standards and therefore not permitted at Burn2.
Radical self-expression means I can do what I like, right?
Yes - however, you must be considerate of the rights and liberties of others around you.
Is it ok to give landmarks out to other great places?
No, giving out landmarks to non-Burn2 places is not allowed at Burn2.
Is it ok to give out external web links?
No, do not give out external weblinks except those that are strictly informational, like wiki pages, or Burning Man/Burn2 pages.
Can I follow in a Lamplighter procession?
YES! The Lamplighters enthusiastically encourage members of the community to walk along with them on processions. If there are spaces available after all Lamplighters are on their procession vehicle(s), community members are often invited to ride along with them.
Are the Burn2 Rangers like Burn2 police?
No, the Burn2 Rangers do not ENFORCE anything! They are traditional guardians of the shared values of the community, empowered by the community to assist with concerns and disputes, to help resolve conflicts if residents cannot resolve them on their own, and they respond to non-consensual assaults (griefing).
Am I allowed to take snapshots?
Yes, you can take snapshots while at Burn2. However, we ask that you not post any photos until after the event opens. It is your responsibility to know and follow the terms of service of the photo sharing sites and blogs where you may wish to post your photos. If you are not sure about a photo, ask! Burn2 Rangers and event staff can help you.