Jul 8, 2015 | 2015, Conception, Conception 2015, Events
Primordial, the BURN2 Conception event, opens at 9:00am SLT Friday the 10th of July, 2015 with tunes provided by Trowzer Boa, followed by the Lamplighters' opening procession accompanied by D-oo-b. There will be music and art and of course there will be FIRE....
May 19, 2015 | 2015, Conception, Conception 2015, Events
From 2015-05-19 We Dared to Conceive… …a radical plan: Find a way to look back at how our beloved Playa may once have been, so a window was opened to one fanciful possibility of the past. A primeval jungle surrounds the Playa as it was long long ago, a...