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Burn2 Winter Burn 2020: Magic!

Burn2 Winter Burn31 January - 02 February 2020 WINTER BURN MAGIC! WINTER BURN VISION Normally, Deep Hole consists of a lonely, desolate little desert town, an echo of Gerlach, Nevada, with a road that leads to the playa. This playa is a replication of a long ago dried...

Burn2 Winter Burn 2020: Magic! Poster Vote

Help us choose a poster to promote Winter Burn 2020: Magic! This event that will take place 31 January through 2 February. This event's theme is about bringing together the magical people from throughout SL, and also sharing the magic of our playa Home. When we...

Poster Submission: Magic 2020

Doodle Up a Poster or Three! Create a poster (up to 3) for Burn2 to use to promote the upcoming Winter Burn event themed "Magic"! Magic! For this event, we are inviting the peoples of magical realms across SL to come, create art builds and contained habitats that...
Hawks Afterburner Airshow Rescheduled

Hawks Afterburner Airshow Rescheduled

This is a quick update on the Hawks Afterburner Airshow which has been rescheduled, due to SL's service issues that have kept people from being able to login since about noon SLT today. Hopefully issues will be resolved by this evening! Come soon as you can for good...
Hawks Afterburner Airshow Rescheduled

It Ain’t Over Til It’s OVER!

After The Man Burns for the Last Time The final virtual Man Burn of 2019 ends tonight. Is that all? Nope - we have an extra treat for you, gifted to our community by the Hawks! The Hawks Bring their Afterburner Airshow On Sunday the 27th of October at 2:00PM SLT, they...