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DESCRIPTION Provides gifts of Burner clothes and skin that reflects the party that is BURN2 for those who arrive uncostumed to encourage participation in the aesthetic of the event These gifts are readily presented by Greeters and Community Guides Create cohesive...

DMV Hottie Specialist

DESCRIPTION Creates art cars for the DMV Experienced builder/texture artist/scripter DESIRED SKILLS Team Spirit Sense of the absurd Friendly & Patient Love to build, script, or texture art cars TIME COMMITMENT Creation of art cars for BURN2 events Prior to and...

Stage Host

DESCRIPTION Hearts and the souls of BURN2 Performance Willing to rock and roll Work well with divergent and ever-changing priorities Have patience, poise under pressure, ability to focus and knowledge of BM philosophy and principles Deal with live performers and DJs,...


DESCRIPTION Guardian of the shared values of Burning Man community Address concerns, mediate disputes, help resolve conflicts Document non-consensual assaults (griefing) and recommend appropriate action as needed Collaborate with BURN2 Staff to keep events running...

Infrastructure Crew

DESCRIPTION These are the artists, scripters, and designers who build the large builds for the entire community to enjoy. Man Build Crew Lead will assemble the Man crew. Used at October Burn events. Temple Build Crew is selected by the Lamplighters. They oversee the...

Road Crews

DESCRIPTION At October Burn: Help forge roads throughout Black Rock City and install the street signs we all love, so locating that perfect camp is as easy as 3:15 and New York. Other BURN2 events: forge roads, tracks or other pathways as needed. DESIRED SKILLS Team...