Feb 26, 2021 | 2020, News
Roaring 3020s The surface of the playa remains untouched, save for a few outposts: Rangers, Lamplighters, Fashionistas, and a giant figure standing at the center, holding up two stages. Perpetual night shows only shadows of the mountains around. Flying transports wait...
Jul 14, 2020 | 2020, Events
Burn2 News Extra! 2020 is a Busy Year in Burn2 Since Burnal Equinox, the virtual playa has seen a few events, hosting other Burning Man related groups like: HouseFire/Sanctuary the weekend of June 5-8 Friday Burner Social on Deep Hole, June 19 4th of Juplaya with...
Jun 10, 2020 | 2020, Workshops
DJ and Performer Workshops Coming to Burn2 Join Super Suz for a 1.5 hour session on Sunday, June 14th at 11 AM SLT. Learn how to take your digital DJ/performance setup at home and stream your sound onto the internet and into Second Life. This is for folks with an...