Dec 4, 2017 | 2017, Breakfast on the Playa, Events
We had such fun over the weekend with all the builds, egg races, pancake races and FOUR breakfast burns. The Love Shack and bowling alley added to the fun. All the builds are being left up all week, so you can bring friends and come visit. Cuga will reprise the Bacon...
Dec 1, 2017 | 2017, Breakfast on the Playa, Events
Here’s the schedule of events for Breakfast on the Playa, Saturday December 2nd and Sunday December 3rd … come join in! First up, races! How about Egg Races? Run while inside a giant egg, and race against other eggs! Start here:...
Nov 13, 2017 | 2017, Breakfast on the Playa, Events
Do you love breakfast? Do you miss the Playa? Coming up Saturday and Sunday, December 2-3, 2017, Join BURN2 and let’s whip up a… Breakfast on the Playa! Two days of music, fun and games, and breakfast-related builds. (Bacon will be involved!) Wear your...