Dec 23, 2019 | 2020, Events, Winter Burn
Magic! Comes to the Playa Burn2 Winter Burn 2020: Magic!31 January - 2 February 2020 At Burn2 we are preparing for our next event, our first of the new decade, which is the Winter Burn event. The theme this time is "Magic!" and for this event we are reaching out to...
Jan 6, 2019 | 2019, Events, Winter Burn 2019
Winter Burn 2019 @ Burn2: Invitation to ParticipateYou are invited to be a part of the next Burn2 regional event, our Winter Burn, set to take place January 25-27 of this year. You will find that the Deep Hole playa shows evidence of the different weather conditions...
Dec 27, 2018 | 2018, Events, Winter Burn 2018
Meetings! Moar Meetings! Did you know the planning committee is in two parts, with one meeting on Thursday nights at 9pm SLT, and the other meeting on Sunday mornings at 9am SLT? Now you do know! We want to make it easier for more burners to attend meetings and...