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Juried/Non-juried/Small Art Grants Open

For those artists interested in creating art installations to be judged by a panel, or wanting to be invited to build on the playa with a special art project - these are plot grants awarded based on information provided in the application. How many plots and which sizes will be determined based on availability and also information given in the application.

This is for those artists who want an opportunity to have their art featured at Burn2.

Another way to share your creativity is to apply to contribute small art builds inside a 256-square-meter parcel with 78LI - a 16x16x16 meter cubic space.

If you are interested in participating in any one of these three ways, please visit this page and fill out the application.

The Man on the Playa

Plot Sale Continues

The additional sims have arrived and are currently being prepared to open for builders. With Deep Hole currently occupied by a bunch of wildly dressed Burners swatting brightly glowing golf balls all over the playa this weekend (Join them! It's hilariously addictive fun and runs through Sunday night.), we will likely open all sims at the same time for builders. If you have not gotten a plot yet, it's not too late to reserve yours today! Here's where you go:

DON'T FORGET to touch the Plot Owner Questionnaire sign to get the link to that page. This is essential in order for us to give you the best possible placement for your camp at Metamorphoses!

Interested in Volunteering at Burn2?

If you enjoy stage managing or hosting, we are seeking volunteers to fill these roles during our upcoming Metamorphoses event that runs October 11-20 this year. There are three official Burn2 stages and we would like to have one or two stage managers for each stage. If you are interested or would like to volunteer in some other capacity, please fill out the Burn2 Volunteer Application. Our Volunteer Coordinator will follow up with you soon.