Burn2 Updates During the Pause
As the Burn2 leadership work together to complete the following goals, we will post updates here to show the progress.
Completion & Approval of All Department Role Descriptions
19 July 2022 - New Departments and Roles page.
15 July 2022 - The leads have met twice weekly - all departments have been revised and approved. B2TV was the last one to be confirmed as its own department. New pages will soon start appearing on the website, other pages will be updated and old ones will be removed. Pardon the dust!
12 July 2022 - We have continued meeting regularly and have made agreements about the duties of departments. This took longer than expected. We have started a conversation about department succession. Work on departments and roles pages on the website is underway.
17 June 2022 - All departments except one have been reviewed and approved; we will have a few additional details to address. After all are approved, a new page on the website will go live soon, showing the approved departments and roles.
Suggest and Implement What is Needed to Improve and Correct our BURN2 Culture.
30 July 2022 - This is considered an ongoing project; reopening does not mean that we are all done. We continue to receive input from the community and will listen and work to bring improvements that will grow a healthy, thriving culture in Burn2.
15 July 2022 - We cannot create the change you want without your feedback. Keep sending your suggestions on how can we improve and correct our Burn2 culture.
12 July 2022 - Some comments were received from the community as requested and they were shared with the leads. The Burn2 community can continue to send email with suggestions for improving Burn2’s culture. Don’t forget the subject line, “Goal 2”.
17 June 2022 - We invite the Burn2 community to participate in this stage of the process. Share your thoughts and input on what we can do to improve and correct our Burn2 culture, by sending email to sl (at) burningman (dot) org. Please include in your subject line “Goal 2”.
Complete and Approve Code of Conduct Policies
30 July 2022 - The Code of Conduct for Leadership has been completed.
21 July 2022 - In the Code of Ethics, we updated the verbiage under "Community" at the suggestion of a community member. The new wording replaces what we had previously and, after following up with the contributor, we included a slight addition.
What to include in the Code of Conduct for Leadership has been established, and will apply to leadership in addition to the 10 Principles. Feedback received through the Code of Ethics form has been taken into consideration along with the Code of Ethics toward development of this Code of Conduct.
19 July 2022 - We've added a listing of the input we've received from the community, and will follow up with those who were willing to be contacted. We encourage you to continue sending suggestions, link is just below.
15 July 2022 - More input is needed! Visit the Burn2 Code of Ethics page and send suggestions or questions through this form.
12 July 2022 - We have been working on the Burn2 Code of Ethics which will govern everyone in Burn2. It describes the values and ideals of Burn2 as a regional of Burning Man, guided by the 10 Principles. We are making available a feedback form for questions or suggestions related to the Code of Ethics.
Code of Ethics Link: https://www.burn2.org/policies/burn2-code-of-ethics/
Questions & Suggestions form link: https://www.burn2.org/code-of-ethics-questions-or-suggestions/
Work on the Code of Conduct continues, and will be developed from the Code of Ethics. The Code of Conduct will govern Burn2 leadership, because there is an additional level of responsibility held by those individuals.
The Burn2 community will be governed by the 10 Principles, Burn2 Code of Ethics, the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards, and other guidelines for Burn2’s events and activities, and also by the Terms of Service of the various social media networks where Burn2 has presences.
We also reviewed the Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities, currently found on this page.
17 June 2022 - We will be working on developing and approving policies for the Burn2 Code(s) of Conduct, utilising resources available to us through the Burning Man network.
Complete Complaint Issues Procedures
30 July 2022 - With the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Leadership completed, more focus will now be given to creating procedures for complaints and issues.
21 July 2022 - The leads have gathered ideas for revising the complaint procedure. They will finalize that as soon as work on the Code of Conduct is completed.
Continue to Work with Team Members in our Departments.
30 July 2022 - With Octoburn coming up, leads will work with their departments to prepare for the event, including welcoming volunteers who would like to be part of their teams.
21 July 2022 - Reflect on what possible solutions leads can implement for the longevity of the departments and its roles. If someone disappeared from your department tomorrow, would someone else be able to fill their shoes?
19 July 2022 - Department leads are discussing making it a practice to encourage co-leads and members of departments to ensure succession and/or continuity of work.
17 June 2022 - Some leads are starting to meet with their departments during the pause.
Consider Limiting the Number of Events that Leads Volunteer for In One Year.
An example would be 3-events-maximum per volunteer and / or lead to prevent burnouts and give others the chance to try a new role. Creating a department with shared responsibilities and co-leads will also reduce the overall workload. If needed, we may discuss reducing the total amount of larger events. Leads will figure this out soon.