To the BURN2 Community
Dear BURN2 Community,
We appreciate your patience during the temporary closure of the SIM and are happy to inform of progress in finding our way through to the place where agreements can be seen, heard and understood. In the interim, Deep Hole will continue to remain closed for the month of June.
The growth of our community relies on evolution and development, and sometimes leadership’s chosen ways of doing are not always agreed upon and require changes and concessions. This is not a fast and easy process. As many a burner has said "It was better next year" meaning we all never get to go back to the same Burning Man twice.
Let's remember Burn2 is a separate community from all the others, we live and exist in a space that is not well understood by our peers and yet we have come so far to continue in our growth, we all want to see our world prosper and we are working on ways we can become more agreeable and kinder. This will take the village to do so. Thank you for your patience and understanding to keep the region closed to reduce additional conflicts and distress while we work on the current goals. Remember to respect each other always.
Rest assured: Deep Hole will be reopening by July 31st, 2022.
For now, there are things to do outside of Burn2.
Starting June 16:
**Burn2 Camp at SL19B
(SLB event not affiliated with Burning Man Regional Network)
**Burners Without Borders in SL (BWBSL)
SL19B exhibit
(Fundraising event organization not affiliated with Burning Man Regional Network)
June 21
You can support some of the Burn2 community who continue for the love of building at an unofficial event, 'Burn ONe'
(Not affiliated with Burning Man Regional Network)
June 24
Open Mic & Movie Night at Deep Hole, 6-10 PM SLT
“Sherlock Holmes In The House of Fear", a 1945 classic
Location: Deep Hole
RL Burning Man Project events happen year round. Burners can get updated by reading these two publications to learn more about how to visit other regionals around the world and in cyberspace.
Dispatch 2021 - Looking Back At The Great Unknown
2021 Afterburn - Burning Man Journal
Like to access knowledge available to all Burners via Burning Man Project? Create your own Burner Profile to use tools and resources to evolve your Burner experience.
Until then, you may continue to contact us through sl (at) burningman (dot) org and watch for leadership progress updates on our website at
Burning Man Regional Network Support working directly with BURN2:
M2 Danger Ranger, BURN2 Regional Network Contact, Burning Man Project
3V, BURN2 Co-Regional Contact, Burning Man Regional Network
Super Suz, Co-Regional Contact, Burning Man Regional Network
Scotto, Meta Regional Network Committee Member, Burning Man Project, Arizona Regional Contact Emeritus