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We Are Volunteers

We Are Volunteers Volunteers Volunteering at a big event is a great way to meet new people and polish your skills for an appreciative audience of fellow residents. If you think you would like to give it a try, check out the current volunteer role descriptions. Then go...

BURN2 Staff & Teams

Who are the Staff at BURN2? We get this question a lot. The answer is we don’t have an official paid “staff”. However, we do have a core of very dedicated, active volunteers who keep things running on the Deep Hole sim, help plan and organise the...

BURN2 Volunteers

At BURN2 we are all volunteers, passionate about the Ten Principles – living them and sharing them. We collaborate to organise and put on several events every year which bring together the virtual Burning community along with the larger SL community. Listed...

Burn2 Volunteer Application

Thank you for thinking about volunteering with Burn2! Heck, we are all volunteers here on the playa, but we have lots of work to keep us all busy and we always love to have new ideas and talent. Please fill out this form and let us know what your skills and interests...