Burnal Equinox EVENT info / April 2nd – 3rd, 2016
We are looking for a plethora of people to get involved in 2016 Burnal Equinox Event structure.
The list is so fun! Two wonderful days of fun.
- Poster designs
- Advertising
- Fashion
- Blogers
- Road-Side Billboard designs
- Road Sign-Post Design
- Art Car Building
Also, so many other places your talents can enhance this fun Event: Music, Song, Solo acts, Poetry Reading … etc.
Funny thing about humans is WE LOVE TO BE ENTERTAINED and we love to SEE STUFF!
Lets get together, BECOME A TEAM and Blow the socks of all the Avatars that attend this two day event.
Thursday Night Planning Meetings – All Welcome, 9pm SLT
Sign up to be a volunteer at Burnal Equinox: https://www.burn2.org/BE2016-volunteersignup
If you have any questions at all or are interested in volunteering, please contact (inworld):
Daark Gothly
Huntress Catteneo