How to Join the Burn2 Rangers
"Your entire life will change when you step across this piece of rebar...will you step over?"
Burn2 Rangers Recruiting
BURN2 Rangers recruiting takes place in the summer preceding each year's Octoburn event. Notices will be posted to the BURN2 Rangers, BURN2 Alpha Rangers, and BurningMan 2.0 groups, as well as on this web site. If you are interested, please fill in the BURN2 volunteer application so that we have an idea of your avatar age and the skills you would bring to the team. Then, please join the BURN2 Alpha Rangers group inworld. IM a Ranger Ops Lead or BURN2 Support Staff if you need help with this, or if the group is closed.
What Skills Does a BURN2 Ranger Need?
Rangers should have at least one year Second Life experience. You will need to be able to assist people with parcel media settings, counting prims, locating misplaced objects, group issues, and other Second Life skills. But, if you don't have all these skills, don't worry! We hold training sessions in late summer/early fall to teach the necessary skills. You will also have a chance to patrol with a Senior Ranger and to learn from his or her experience. And, if there are still areas with which you do not feel comfortable, you can always call on other Rangers to assist you when needed.
How Often Are Rangers Needed?
BURN2 Rangers are needed for the main BURN2 event every October. This event usually runs for nine days, 24 hours a day, nonstop. However, Rangers will be needed to assist builders during the weeks leading up to the event, and also the week following the event. During building and break-down times, we will try to have several Rangers on the playa around the clock. During the event itself, we try to have a minimum of six Rangers on every shift.
In addition, the BURN2 community has smaller events year round, and you may be asked to work these events, as well. It is not mandatory; some Rangers choose to work all events, and some choose to work just the main event in the fall.
For any events which you can work, we will ask you to sign up for shifts in blocks of two hours. You are welcome to work more than two hours, but if you can only work an hour or two at a time, that's fine, too. Not everyone can commit a lot of hours to the events; we appreciate any amount of time you can give.
Does This Sound Like You?
If you are interested in joining the BURN2 Rangers, then IM Shendara Destiny, Leondra Larsson or SuperSuz inworld and join the BURN2 Alpha Rangers group. The Alpha Rangers group is normally set to open enrollment, so you can self join.
Recruiting is done every summer for the main BURN2 event in October.
You are also encouraged to join the BurningMan 2.0 group as all recruitment notices and event updates will be posted there.
For more information about Burning Man, BURN2, and the Rangers, check out the following web sites: