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  • Provide that all-important first impression of BURN2
  • Greet attendees at Gate Road (during October event) and Welcome Area (other BURN2 events)
  • Encourage discovery of events, art, camps and performances.
  • Provide schedules, maps and SLurls, and other useful information about the event.

    • At October Event:

      • Give out “Survival Manuals” and backpacks full of supplies that aid in the recreation of the Burning Man aesthetic in this virtual world simulation.
    • All Events:

      • Manage gifting resources including official BURN2 “stuff” and gifts contributed by artists and camp builders for distribution to new arrivals at Gate Road / Welcome Area and at strategically placed Gift Tents.
      • Answer questions and offer suggestions for maximizing the BURN2 experience and direct attendees to community guides who can provide more direct access to art installations, camps and other festival resources.
      • Mentor new burners, coach the Ten Principles, and explain the history of the Burning Man and BURN2 experience.
      • Act as eyes and ears for Rangers and may even support Event staff by greeting event attendees.


  • Team Spirit, Sense of the absurd
  • Will commit to regular shifts
  • Friendly & Patient
  • Outgoing, likes approaching strangers
  • Excellent Communication Skills


  • Preparation of gifting materials for distribution to arrivals at events
  • Gate Road during the October Burn event, Welcome Area at other events
  • 10-30 hours during October Burn week, 2-10 hours during other events