Burn2 VRC 2020
The Multiverse
August 30 - September 07
Seeking Workshops for VRC Week!
We are seeking volunteers to give workshops on topics that may be of interest to the community. We are interested in topics especially those geared to helping Burners coming to SL for the first time, or coming to Burn2 for the first time, as well as anything you have some knowledge in. Keep in mind your topic and content must be in keeping with the Ten Principles of Burning Man, as well as with the "M" maturity rating of the Deep Hole region and the Second Life Terms of Service.
This VRC Week event is happening August 30th through September 7th, and is separate from Burn2's annual Big Burn that we nickname "Octoburn" which will take place October 9-18 this year.
VRC Week Theme: The Multiverse
This event is part of a larger virtual event being encouraged by Burning Man. It was prompted by the cancellation of this year's Burning Man event. The many groups and Regionals around the world are being encouraged to go virtual, create activities and events to be experienced online. The various participating groups and regionals are called "universes."
For Burn2, we want to encourage you to share your knowledge! We have had BRC burners come into SL to visit Burn2. We have also seen visitors coming to explore and learn about us. It will be great to have workshops available for them to learn about a variety of topics, get a sense of Burn2 as a Regional of Burning Man.
Guidelines (click here to read)
In addition to the theme vision, PLEASE read and follow the 10 Principles of Burning Man.
Use the form below to sign up to give your workshop. Applying to do this signifies your acceptance and commitment to follow the 10P, TOS and maturity rating guidelines.
BURN2 Event Lead, Rangers and designated staff reserve the right to suggest changes, remove or ask for the removal of any content in your workshop that does not fit within the very liberal Ethos and Principles of Burning Man.
Contacts for Questions
Workshop Lead: Zoren Manray
Event Lead: SuperSuz
Tell Us About Your Workshop Idea
We want to encourage our community to participate in VRC Week by giving workshops on a variety of topics - from how to dance in SL, to deep philosophical concepts.