We brainstormed a way to help burners one and all to learn the 10 Burning Man Principles and this is what we came up with…A Ten Principles Hunt!
We asked for the participation of 10 (ten) builders at this upcoming Burn2 event, themed Seasonal Perceptions.
Builders came through! Each of them supplied one relevant hunt prize which will be hidden somewhere on their build.
They have made it just easy enough to find – but not too easy. There will be hunt clues to the next prize in each one up to the final 11th “You finished the hunt!” prize.
Look for the textured prims with the hunt prize and note card explaining the represented principle and the next hunt clue will be.
There will be a sign at the Burn2 event entrance that will dispense the rules and first hunt clue.
Why are we doing this?
– More visits to the builds on the playa!
– More visitors can learn about the Ten Principles of Burning Man.
Thank you one and all for your participation – builders and Burners!