While Black Rock City Goes Virtual This Year...
Burn2 Will Do It Again: Octoburn!
Burners everywhere (and Everywhere!) turn their attention to the coming annual event, Burning Man, That Thing In The Desert, in Black Rock City, Nevada. While it will not happen in the usual way this year in August, Regionals and Burners still want to find ways to connect, and are encouraged to do so in various ways.
Burn2 has always echoed Burning Man in October, following the same art theme, and we will do it as we've always done, because we have always been virtual! This year the theme is "The Multiverse". You can read a description of the theme on Burning Man's website.
Sim Names: The Multiverse
The final results of the sim names for Octoburn 2020; The Multiverse are shown below!
Cosmic Bob
(Low Rules)