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Burn2 - Placement

This role is a co-lead role in the Placement department, working with the Placement Lead, with an area of interest in the Artists Committee & HEARTery.

This includes heading up the Invited Artists committee for Octoburns, acting as Artist/Builder Liaison at Burn2’s events other than Octoburns, and maintaining and curating 2D art for the HEARTery at Burn2’s events.


Artists Committee Coordinator (like BRC ARTery Council) for Octoburn events
Committee members can vary each year
A committee within the Placement Department that will invite and call artists to apply for an invited artist or small art installation grant at Octoburn.

Members of the Artists Committee will:
– Determine guidelines for the art installations
– Work with webmaster in Communications to update grant application forms
– Review, select and award the invited artist and small artist grants
– Manage art displays in Center Camp
– Coordinate art tours

This is for featuring 2D artists at Burn2’s events. For Octoburns there will be a plot near the Center Camp for the HEARTery. At Burn2’s other events, a plot can be assigned for the HEARTery.

Artist/Builder Liaison
– Invites/recruits artists to sign up to build at events like Winter Burn, Burnal Equinox, Conception, Burnstock
– Ensures they understand the event vision/theme and comply with the 10 Principles in their builds.
– Provides guidance with questions related to builds.
– Gets plot assignments from Placement Lead, if plots are cut. If no plots will be cut for a Regional event, placement can set down markers for plot locations, then either artists/builders can choose their plots or they can be assigned by placement.

– Member of the Burn2 community in good standing
– Friendly, works well with people, collaborative
– Experienced builder/artist
– Solid team player