Curiouser & Curiouser
October 18-27, 2024
We encourage you to build within this year's art theme: Curiouser & Curiouser.
Also, picture yourself on an ancient dried-up lake bed with mountains surrounding the playa. It is a hostile, water-scarce, dusty, windy place. How would you build to stand up to those elements?
We also have builder guidelines and Octoburn FAQ. If you are granted a plottery plot, it will be 512sqm with 156LI max. Max height will be 16m (28m if placed on Rabbit Hole, the "low rules" region). An important thing to remember is that no plottery plot can be joined to any other plot, even another plottery plot. There are no exceptions to this.
We also expect compliance with the following policies:
Linden Lab Terms of Service and Community Standards;
Maturity Ratings;
Burn2 Child Avatar Policy;
and the Burn2 Adult Content Policy.
Our community is centered around the 10 Principles of Burning Man.
Ignorance of this information by not reading it is not an excuse. Radical Self-reliance! Community Effort! Civic Reponsibility! HECK, ALL the 10P apply!
For more than a decade, this Regional has echoed the look and feel of Black Rock City. We are excited to see what you will bring!
Burn2 Plottery Application
Please fill out accurately!
The answers you give us in the form below will help Placement to situate your camp in the best spot that suits your needs.