Burn2 Events in 2025
Call for Themes: ConceptionAs we continue our planning for Conception in 2025, we recall the many wonderful theme ideas submitted for Winter Burn and Burnal Equinox We know this fabulously creative community can come through again with themes to fit Conception.
Conception (Dates: July 25-27, 2025): Conception celebrates our origins as a presence and virtual regional of Burning Man in SL.
Teams will form for Conception later in the year. Conception event dates: July 25-27, 2025. After the community votes, this event team will make the final theme selection for the event.
BUT WAIT! Along with your theme suggestion, you can also upload a poster that illustrates your vision of the theme. It doesn't have to be perfectly created, that can be refined later if your theme is selected. It serves to give a good view of what your vision is. Just indicate you have a poster to upload, and send it along with your theme.
Poster Guidelines
- Your design should be related to the theme
- You can submit a poster to go with your theme idea. Total max per file 8MB.
- Texture dimensions can be 512 x 512, 512 x 1024, or 1024 x 512
- The Burn2 logo* and event dates should be on the texture.
Event dates: Conception - July 25-27, 2025 - Filename should start with "C2025" followed by whatever you name it.
- Graphics should be original work, or using creative commons non-commercial, or public domain images.
- Last Date to Submit Themes (and Posters): FRIDAY 4TH OF APRIL at 11PM SLT/US Pacific Time (23:00).
By submitting, you grant us permission to use your poster graphics in world and on our website, and we will acknowledge you as the creator of the artwork when we display it.
*You can get a copy of the Burn2 logo inside the Burn2 HQ building in Deep Hole.
If your poster is selected, we may ask for layered PSD files or we may ask you to create different dimensions of your poster for use in various networks.
Submit Your Theme Ideas
Up to 3 theme ideas per person (not per avatar) - just come back to this page and submit again.
DEADLINE: FRIDAY 04 April 2025, 11pm SLT!