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Burnstock 2021

About Burnstock

Burnstock is an annual fundraiser which will take place this year over the weekend of July 23-25, 2021. All funds received go toward the purchase of additional sims for our annual "Octoburn" event, where we "echo" the traditional look and feel of Burning Man in Black Rock City.

The playa will have a stage and various fun things to do .

Burn2 for Newcomers to SL

In recognition of the pandemic currently spreading across the world, we welcome displaced Burners looking to connect with other Burners for a uniquely fun participatory experience. While we may in the default world be sitting alone, we can be virtually together.

You will need to create a (FREE) account in Second Life®, download the viewer software (also FREE) to access the virtual world, and make your way to the Burn2 virtual Playa!

For more information, visit this page. We will also have greeters and mentors inworld who can answer questions for you.

Burnstock 2018
Burnstock Previous

Performance Guidelines

At our Burn2 Regional events, it is customary that we have just one stream to use for performances, because the stages will not be on their own parcels and we are on one region. This allows participants to hear your awesome tunes while they visit the art all around the playa. However, for those who have special live shows, participants will be directed to the stage to see your performance as well as hear it.

  • Stages:
    We will have the Burnstock Stage. There will also be an area for special live performers who bring their own stage sets.
    Burnstock Stage: This is the stage primarily used by DJs and live singers and performers who do not bring their own complete, pre-built stages with them. Small props are fine.
    BOB Stage: BOB (Bring Own Build) Stage is an open area, 32m x 32m x 30m. Maximum land impact is 650 LI. Please stay within these parameters for your pre-built stage/scenery that you bring for your performance.
    We do have special guests coming to perform, who will have "camps" that are part of their performance.
  • Time slots on the signup form are in one-hour increments.
    DJs typically sign up one or two (consecutive) one-hour slots.
    Live singers/performers can sign up for one hour, or if setup time is needed, two consecutive one-hour slots. This is specifically for live performers who need setup time for rezzing a stage and props on the BOB Stage before they perform. The event calendar will only show 1 hour for such performances.
    Please book only ONE show of either one hour or two hours duration, PER DAY. This is to allow as many different people and time zones as possible a chance to perform at the event. One week before the event we will allow additional bookings for any slots not already filled.
  • Wear your Burn2 Access "Burn2 Performer" tag when you come to perform at Burn2. This will allow you to rez the props or stage set you need for your performance. You will also be able to take the stream when your set begins.
  • Check in at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time in the Burn2 Access group. If we don't hear from you by 20 minutes before your show time, we will seek a replacement and you may lose your slot.
    On the form, you will have the option to enter your own stream URL or we can provide one of ours free of charge. We strongly urge a minimum 100 listener stream. Please have it tested and ready at check-in.
  • When you check in, you will be contacted by a stage host. When it comes time for your show, either you or the stage host can perform the handoff with the stream.
  • Backup Performers: Occasionally, a performer may be unable to play at their assigned show time. Things happen - loss of Internet, computer glitches, illness. Watch the Burn2 Access group for calls for cover/backup performers when needed.
  • Decommodification: We sincerely appreciate the gift of your talent and time that you share with the Burn2 community! As with all Burn2 events, performers and artists alike are asked to agree to the following rules for Decommodification as required by the Burning Man organization: No tip jars, no group joiners, no in-chat promotion spam, no club advertising. We do encourage you to enhance your SL profile and to direct people there for more information about you.

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