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This is a rather unusual year at Burn2. We will have a decompression before the big event is quite done. Read on!


Burn2 SKIN BURN PosterOur decompression event consists of a reprise Man Burn with everyone “skinnied down” to their very lowest lag forms. By removing unnecessary scripts and attachments (Let it all GO! Just for the day!) we will have an environment conducive to a great, glorious, big Burn!

The Burns will take place twice on Saturday the 3rd of November: 12:00pm SLT and 6:00PM SLT. Check-in will start 2 hours before each Burn, at an off-playa location. When avatars pass check-in, they are given a special tag and told to teleport to the playa.

To get ready, we distribute scales in world and explain how to remove attachments and scripted items from your avatar and viewer. on Saturday

Group notices with details will have been sent out inworld. If you are not in the BurningMan 2.0 group and you’d like a copy of the information, you can contact iSkye Silverweb inworld.

I, Robot was Great! Even With Glitches!

But it is not quite over yet. Last Sunday, both scheduled Temple Burns were postponed due to technical problems affecting much of SL. It was a huge disappointment not to be able to Burn the Temple that day.

They are rescheduled for Sunday, 4 November. Times are given below:

Morning Burn

10:00am SLT – Lamplighters Procession and Fire Dance followed by a readout of messages from the Temple Censer

11:00am SLT – Temple Burn


Afternoon/Evening Burn

4:00pm SLT – Lamplighters Procession and Fire Dance followed by a readout of messages from the Temple Censer

5:00pm SLT – Temple Burn

A thought for you…consider being in just skin for the Temple Burn as well! This is optional but again, it could help more among us to see an exceptionally beautiful Burn of the Temple.