Performers! Welcome Home to Burn2's Stages!
In preparation for the events coming in October, the playa expands from Deep Hole to encompass five additional sims. Burn2's official stages - Center Camp, the Live Stage and the Main Stage - are each placed on a different sim.
Each stage has a Stage Manager, who can assist you with your questions related to performing at your stage.
This year we have signup forms online for you to reserve your slot at the stage you prefer. See the brief descriptions below about the stages and follow the button to go to the signup form for your desired stage.
PLEASE NOTE: In Burn2 we have a gifting economy. You might notice that no tip jars, group joiners or promotional items are permitted on stages at Burn2. This is because as volunteers we gift our time, talents and efforts to the community in celebration of being together. We share our gifts from the heart. Bring your audience to our playa, and find new fans among the Burners here! Welcome Home!
Main Stage
The Main Stage, also known as the DJ Stage, sits at the center of Diachrony sim. This is the stage for performers who do not need to rez their own stages or sets for their performances. Live singers and DJs especially like this stage setting, and there is ample room for dancing, too.
Center Camp
The Center Camp stage in Deep Hole is a relaxed, more intimate, casual place. Storytellers, balladeers, poetry readers would feel at home in this setting. Live musicians, bands and singers who like a sort of coffeehouse ambiance would enjoy this stage, and there is a dance floor for audiences to use, as well as plenty of comfortable seating for listeners.
Live Stage
The Live Stage, at the center of Evolve sim, is ideal for performers who bring their own stages or sets for their performances. Performing troupes, dance groups, live singers and DJs who have their own stages will find this a great stage for their performances.
For set build sizing: The allowed area is 64m wide x 64m deep (4096sqm). Max height 28 meters. Max Land Impact 800 (please!). Don't forget to leave room for your audience to sit and/or dance!