Burn2 Logo Vote Result
Vote Totals
The 8 surviving logos are shown below, along with the current Burn2 logo, with vote counts for each.
The next section shows tabs with comments that were submitted along with choices.
- I like the logo R2A for it's simplicity, easy recognition, and its inclusion of symbolic elements from the current logo. My only suggestion might be to experiment a little further with the size and/or placement of the shape elements (circle and triangle) to allow a little more space balance between them and the "man" symbol. But this would only be a minor tweak as it already looks great as it is.
- I think this logo would also look great without the colorful shapes (just the man and Burn2). But if the shapes have to be there, this one is the best use of it. It looks similar to the old design but with a "revamped" look instead of something totally different (which is a good thing, to me).
- The logo should contain: Burning Man, Second Life (shapes), our name. This one has it all.
- all could have changeable backgrounds for contrast in posters
- If we wanted, can add a second line that says Virtual Regional? Maybe
- Id like to have an alpha version as well
- a simple concise evolution of the current logo. can be refined further adding concepts from many visions to make one representation.
- As with R2A I like R2B for it's simplicity, easy recognition, and inclusion of symbolic elements from the current logo. This version can be used as an alternative to R2A when the surrounding colour palette (eg. an event poster) demands black/white inversion for logo visibility against the background.
- Id like to have an alpha version as well.
- all could have changeable backgrounds for contrast in posters
- I like the three d effect of our current logo using shading and lighting. If it makes sense, consider doing same with the logo.
- A nice floating cloud of togetherness
- all could have changeable backgrounds for contrast in posters- my top pick
- it's got the man imagery and a cool flame head idea. wish it was a bit on angle though rather then skewed..
- Love the flame head and the figure, very 3D. Would prefer a different font - this one kind of looks a bit too stencil-like, sort of military. Could have a black border and either white or grey background to simplify. This is the one I love.
- I still like the current logo for its contemporary appeal, and its hint of 3D ( the subtle shadows and lighting lifting it slightly out from the background) offers the suggestion of a virtual space. Although there are some excellent alternative logos on offer, I would have no objection to keeping the existing logo. My only comment is that it does not contain the label "Burn2". Perhaps the addition of Burn2 text could provide a searchable term for people who are yet to discover what the logo is about.
- Actually I like the old one, though it does not contain our name.
- None of the other ones are so much better that we should have to change it.
- Id like to have a white background and and alpha version of this one as well.