Waking Dreams
Post-Event General Survey

Why This Survey
The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback from those who attended this year's Octoburn event. We want to know what we did well, what we need to improve for next year.
Your responses should include the good things about the event, and where you see room for improvement. Please only speak from your own experience, and discuss only one topic per submission. You can submit more than once to write about different topics.
Your feedback will be reviewed by the Burn2 Leads and Regional Contacts. After review, the Burn2 Leads will share the feedback that pertains to their teams and discuss with them ways to improve for next year. You may be contacted for further information by the department leads.
This survey is for feedback on the event operations only. Do not include personnel, or personal, issues.
Once again, this form is for:
- Did something work really well and you want us to do it again next year?
- Did something really not work well and you want to let us know about it?
- Is there something we don't currently do, that might improve the event for next year?
- Did you have a noteworthy experience interacting with a Burn2 department or team?
- Was there something about your experience that was really incredible or really difficult, and you want to talk with someone about it?
That's what this form is for - to get that information in front of the people who can do something with it.
DEADLINE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM: FRIDAY the 11th of November 2022. The form slams shut after midnight SLT on that date. PLEASE submit your feedback while you can!
We will review each submission. Please don't assume someone else will mention some obvious thing. We would rather have lots of people say the obvious things than have no one say them. We could miss getting something that we could act on to continue or improve on for next year.
If you have personal/personnel feedback, that should go to sl (at) burningman (dot) org with subject line "Personal Feedback". Other complaints should go to the same address, but with "Complaint" as the subject line.
These submissions are not public; they are not anonymous. The feedback will be reviewed by the Burn2 Leads and Regional Contacts, and it may be included in a regional report that is sent to Burning Man Project.