Burnal Equinox 2021 Poster Rating
Help us choose a poster to promote Burnal Equinox 2021. This event will take place 9-11 April, and the theme is "Roaring 3020s"
When we promote an upcoming Burn2 event, we like to use a graphic in the form of a poster, to get folks started thinking about how they will participate and looking forward to it.
This time we asked for SETS of posters - different shapes - so that we can use them on different media - inworld, on the website, social media. Each have their own requirements for displaying them. We invite the Burn2 community to participate in choosing the poster sets for Burn2 to use in promoting the event. We will also distribute the winning set in group notices so that community members can share and display the posters to spread the word about the event. And yes, some people only submitted sets with just one poster. We may still request variations on the single poster if it wins.
To View the Posters:
Click on a poster image to see a larger view. Click the 'X' or somewhere on the screen to close and view another poster. Hold your mouse over a poster to see its name. You are rating each SET of posters, not each individual one.
TO RATE THE POSTERS: Important Notes! Please Read Carefully!
Your patience is needed here. We are attempting to make this as far and objective as possible, so please bear with us and follow these instructions. Total of 18 sets, with 18 separate forms. Do each form, or just the forms for the poster sets you like - up to you, but rate at least one set.
1. The deadline to submit your vote is Wednesday the 10th of March, 8:00 PM SLT.
2. There is a form for EACH SET. Four "sets" came in as single posters - each is to be voted on as a set.
3. You can only rate any poster set ONCE, so rate carefully.
4. Rate the poster sets that you like. If you don't like a set, you can skip the form for that set. We will review results for the sets there were voted on.
5. After the deadline, ratings will be tallied for each poster set and the winning set (the set with the highest ratings) will be announced. In the event of a tie, the winning set will be chosen by the Burn2 planning committee.