Burn2 Looks Ahead Toward October
At this time of year, Burners everywhere (and Everywhere!) turn their attention to the coming annual event, Burning Man, That Thing In The Desert, in Black Rock City, Nevada.
Burn2's "Octoburn" event echoes Burning Man in October - even following the same art theme. This year it's "Metamorphoses" (not Metamorphosis, there is a difference). You can read a description of the theme on Burning Man's website.
Planning is quickly getting underway. At the moment we have a deadline to meet and some decisions to make. We need YOUR input on two things: Sim name suggestions! Poster designs!
By August 15th, we will put in the order for the additional sims. The decision is to get five additional sims. It's always fun to come up with in-theme names for them, and that's where you come in!
Sim Names Wanted!
We encourage you to contribute your sim name ideas. Over the next few days, we will collect your suggestions - then we'll close the survey and set up a vote to select 5 sim names. This has to happen rather fast because of the short time between now and the 15th of August when we have to order the sims.
You can contribute your sim name ideas on the sim name suggestion form.
Deadline to contribute your sim name ideas: WEDNESDAY 7th of August 2019 at NOON (12:00) SLT. Results will be compiled and the community can take a final vote, with the five most often chosen names selected for Metamorphoses 2019. In the event of any ties, the planning committee will make the tie-breaking decisions. Results will be announced after the weekly Burn2 planning committee meeting on Thursday the 8th of August.
Yes, a Poster Contest, Too
If you are artistically inclined, enjoy creating textures, and like to gift your creations to the community, we invite you to contribute a poster design (you can actually submit up to 3) to be used for promotion of the coming annual Big Burn event nicknamed "Octoburn." Consider participating in the poster contest.
Deadline to contribute your posters: THURSDAY 8th of August 2019 at NOON (12:00) SLT. Results will be announced after the weekly Burn2 planning committee meeting on Thursday the 8th of August.