Burn2 DMV
Art Car WeekendGuidelines
Please carefully review these guidelines before booking your performances.
Burn2's Regional events are held on one region, Deep Hole. We have a special stage for this event: a replica of Mayan Warrior will make an appearance on the playa this event. Only one performer can play at any given time because there is one stream on the playa. Use this page to book your performance slot on Mayan Warrior.
Mayan Warrior This is a replica of the Mayan Warrior vehicle in memoriam of the original which was destroyed by fire in Mexico a few weeks ago. There is a DJ console on it that can be used, and places on it for people to dance.
Time Slots
- Time slots on the signup form are in one-hour increments. Please book 1 or 2 (consecutive) hours.
Each booking must be no more than 2 hours long. - Wear your Burn2 Access "Burn2 Performer" tag when you come to perform at Burn2. This will allow you to use the radio to switch the stream when your set begins.
- *IMPORTANT NOTE: Performers may not use media objects without prior authorisation from the performance lead and B2TV staff. The land media information must be left unchanged. It is reserved for use by B2TV staff.
- Check in at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time in the Burn2 Access group. If we don't hear from you by 20 minutes before your show time, we will seek a replacement and you may lose your slot.
We strongly urge a minimum 100 listener stream. Please have it tested and ready at check-in. - When you check in, someone should acknowledge your check-in. When it comes time for your show, you can perform the handoff with the stream.
- Backup Performers: Occasionally, a performer may be unable to play at their assigned show time. Things happen - loss of Internet, computer glitches, illness. Watch the Burn2 Access group for calls for cover/backup performers when needed. Please communicate with Cuga Rajal as soon as possible if you learn you are not able to perform at your assigned time.
- Decommodification: We sincerely appreciate the gift of your talent and time that you share with the Burn2 community! As with all Burn2 events, performers and artists alike are asked to agree to the following rules for Decommodification as required by the Burning Man organization: No tip jars, no group joiners, no in-chat promotion spam, no club advertising. We do encourage you to enhance your SL profile.